
AI Coach XBlock#

AI Coach Xblock helps learner in improving their answers by levering power of AI. It evaluates open response answer of a question using Open AI and provides feedback to learner.

AI Coach XBlock

Vendor: edly

Status: Active

Last Commit: 2024-10-11

URL: edly-io/ai-coach-xblock

License: GPLv3

Categories: Course content type

H5P XBlock#

H5P Xblock provides ability to host and play H5P content in open edX. It has few more features - Ability to mark H5P content complete in open edX - Ability to capture score of H5P content in open edX - Save learner state which can be retrieved later - Ability to host H5P content on cloud storage like AWS S3

H5P XBlock

Vendor: edly

Status: Active

Last Commit: 2024-10-21

URL: edly-io/h5pxblock

License: MIT

Categories: Course content type

Sortable XBlock#

An XBlock that implements sorting problem. Learners have to sort items by dragging them at their correct position. Authors can define items and their correct order from studio. This Xblock also supports grading.

Sortable XBlock

Vendor: edly

Status: Active

Last Commit: 2022-06-29

URL: edly-io/xblock-sortable

License: GPLv3

Categories: Course content type