A, B, C#

Active Table#

Provides a tabular problem type, where students have to fill in some of the cells of a table.

Active Table

Vendor: OpenCraft

Status: Active

Last Commit: 2021-09-30

URL: open-craft/xblock-activetable

License: AGPLv3

Categories: Advanced learning tools

Adventure XBlock#

An XBlock for creating a simple chose your own adventure-style simulation. It presents the user with a branching sequence of steps, each of which can contain other XBlockLightChildrens.

Adventure XBlock

Vendor: OpenCraft

Status: Archived

Last Commit: 2023-10-23

URL: openedx-unsupported/xblock-adventure

License: AGPLv3

Categories: Advanced learning tools

AI Coach XBlock#

AI Coach Xblock helps learner in improving their answers by levering power of AI. It evaluates open response answer of a question using Open AI and provides feedback to learner.

AI Coach XBlock

Vendor: edly

Status: Active

Last Commit: 2024-03-20

URL: edly-io/ai-coach-xblock

License: GPLv3

Categories: Course content type

Audio XBlock#

This is a simple XBlock which will play audio files as an HTML5 audio element. If unavailable, it will fall back to an embed element.

Audio XBlock

Vendor: Open edX

Status: Active

Last Commit: 2024-09-16

URL: openedx/AudioXBlock

License: GPLv3

Categories: Course content type

Azure Media Services xBlock#

This xBlock allows for the inclusion of videos that are hosted on Azure Media Services inside of Open edX courses.

Azure Media Services xBlock

Vendor: Microsoft

Status: Archived

Last Commit: 2023-06-12

URL: microsoft/xblock-azure-media-services

License: MIT

Categories: Video delivery

Badgr Xblock#

The badgr-xblock communicates with the Badgr API, and awards badges based on a passing grade for a specified subsection in a course.

Badgr Xblock

Vendor: Construct Education

Status: Active

Last Commit: 2021-10-06

URL: pmitros/DoneXBlock

Categories: Gradable activities

Bibblio XBlock#

An XBlock that allows easy inclusion of Bibblio content recommendation module as a courseware component.

Bibblio XBlock

Vendor: Construct Education

Status: Active

Last Commit: 2018-01-29

URL: proversity-org/edx-xblock-bibblio

Categories: 3rd party tool integrated via XBlock

Charts XBlock#

This XBLock provides a new XBlock to content authors, enabling them to implement charts into their course, without a lot of hassle, and with a user interface to make the task as simple as it gets.

Charts XBlock

Vendor: Open edX

Status: Active

Last Commit: 2016-09-29

URL: TinMarkovic/ChartsXBlock

License: MIT

Categories: Course content type

Click Aware XBlock#

A simple Xblock to make sure your audience has clicked on the provided link.

Click Aware XBlock

Vendor: edSPIRIT

Status: Active

Last Commit: 2024-05-19

URL: edSPIRIT/xblock-clickaware

License: MIT

Categories: Course content type

Cohort API XBlock#

Cohort API used to get information about the student’s cohort.

Cohort API XBlock

Vendor: eduNEXT

Status: Active

Last Commit: 2021-04-26

URL: eduNEXT/cohort-api-xblock

License: AGPLv3

Categories: 3rd party tool integrated via XBlock

Completable HTML XBlock#

A subclass of the new HTML XBlock that disables marking the block as completed and adds custom completion endpoint.

Completable HTML XBlock

Vendor: OpenCraft

Status: Active

Last Commit: 2024-09-16

URL: open-craft/xblock-html-completable

License: AGPLv3

Categories: Course content type

Conditional Language preferences XBlock#

No description provided

Conditional Language preferences XBlock

Vendor: eduNEXT

Status: Active

Last Commit: 2024-05-19

URL: eduNEXT/xblock-langconditional

License: AGPLv3

Categories: Course content type

Conditional XBlock#

XBlock to show/hide one or more conditional component by a trigger component in the Open edX LMS. Editable within Open edx Studio.

Conditional XBlock

Vendor: University of Chile

Status: Active

Last Commit: 2021-11-24

URL: eol-uchile/eol-conditional-xblock

License: AGPLv3

Categories: Advanced learning tools

Container XBlock#

XBlock to display “Add and Continue” containers Open edX LMS.

Container XBlock

Vendor: University of Chile

Status: Active

Last Commit: 2024-06-06

URL: eol-uchile/eol-container-xblock

License: AGPLv3

Categories: Advanced learning tools

Crowdsource Hinter XBlock#

The Crowdsource Hinter serves to provide students with hints when they incorrectly answer a problem within a course. The hinter is compatible with numerical input and text input type problems.

Crowdsource Hinter XBlock

Vendor: Open edX

Status: Active

Last Commit: 2024-09-16

URL: openedx/crowdsourcehinter

License: AGPLv3

Categories: Course content type