Active Table#
Provides a tabular problem type, where students have to fill in some of the cells of a table.
Vendor: OpenCraft
Status: Active
Last Commit: 2021-09-30
URL: open-craft/xblock-activetable
License: AGPLv3
Categories: Advanced learning tools
Adventure XBlock#
An XBlock for creating a simple chose your own adventure-style simulation. It presents the user with a branching sequence of steps, each of which can contain other XBlockLightChildrens.
Vendor: OpenCraft
Status: Archived
Last Commit: 2023-10-23
URL: openedx-unsupported/xblock-adventure
License: AGPLv3
Categories: Advanced learning tools
Completable HTML XBlock#
A subclass of the new HTML XBlock that disables marking the block as completed and adds custom completion endpoint.
Vendor: OpenCraft
Status: Active
Last Commit: 2024-12-30
URL: open-craft/xblock-html-completable
License: AGPLv3
Categories: Course content type
End of Course Journal XBlock#
This XBlock provides the ability for a participant to download his/her activity once he/she completes the course. Currently only problem-builder freeform answers are supported. This XBlock also displays a summary of the learner’s participation, proficiency, and engagement in the course compared with the course averages.
Vendor: OpenCraft
Status: Active
Last Commit: 2023-08-28
URL: open-craft/xblock-eoc-journal
License: AGPLv3
Categories: Course content type
Group Project v2 XBlock#
This tool implements a group project, where a group of students work together on a task, which is then graded.
Vendor: OpenCraft
Status: Active
Last Commit: 2023-01-06
URL: open-craft/xblock-group-project-v2
License: AGPLv3
Categories: Advanced learning tools
HTML XBlock#
A new HTML XBlock that is designed with security and embedding in mind.
Vendor: OpenCraft
Status: Active
Last Commit: 2024-12-30
License: AGPLv3
Categories: Course content type
Kinescope XBlock#
XBlock for embedding Kinescope Videos.
Vendor: OpenCraft
Status: Active
Last Commit: 2023-11-06
URL: open-craft/xblock-kinescope
License: GPLv3
Categories: Video delivery
Poll XBlock#
This XBlock enables a course author to create survey/poll elements to get feedback from students. The XBlocks can either be poll or survey XBlocks. Poll XBlocks have one question, and a series of answers. Survey XBlocks have several questions and a handful of (terse) answers that a student is expect to answer each one from (Such as ‘True’, and ‘False’, or ‘Agree’ or ‘Disagree’)
Vendor: OpenCraft
Status: Active
Last Commit: 2024-12-30
License: AGPLv3
Categories: Course content type
Skytap XBlock#
An XBlock for integrating Open edX and Skytap. With this XBlock, you to create virtual machines so learners can practice what they are learning in the course.
Vendor: OpenCraft
Status: Active
Last Commit: 2020-06-30
License: AGPLv3
Categories: Course content type
Virtual Reality XBlock#
This XBlock embeds Virtual Reality videos into a course.
Vendor: OpenCraft
Status: Active
Last Commit: 2024-02-07
URL: open-craft/xblock-virtualreality
Categories: Course content type