Advanced learning tools#

Active Table#

Provides a tabular problem type, where students have to fill in some of the cells of a table.

Active Table

Vendor: OpenCraft

Status: Active

Last Commit: 2021-09-30

URL: open-craft/xblock-activetable

License: AGPLv3

Categories: Advanced learning tools

Adventure XBlock#

An XBlock for creating a simple chose your own adventure-style simulation. It presents the user with a branching sequence of steps, each of which can contain other XBlockLightChildrens.

Adventure XBlock

Vendor: OpenCraft

Status: Archived

Last Commit: 2023-10-23

URL: openedx-unsupported/xblock-adventure

License: AGPLv3

Categories: Advanced learning tools

Conditional XBlock#

XBlock to show/hide one or more conditional component by a trigger component in the Open edX LMS. Editable within Open edx Studio.

Conditional XBlock

Vendor: University of Chile

Status: Active

Last Commit: 2021-11-24

URL: eol-uchile/eol-conditional-xblock

License: AGPLv3

Categories: Advanced learning tools

Container XBlock#

XBlock to display “Add and Continue” containers Open edX LMS.

Container XBlock

Vendor: University of Chile

Status: Active

Last Commit: 2024-06-06

URL: eol-uchile/eol-container-xblock

License: AGPLv3

Categories: Advanced learning tools

Dialogs XBlock#

XBlock to display “Add and Continue” Dialogs Open edX LMS.

Dialogs XBlock

Vendor: University of Chile

Status: Active

Last Commit: 2024-05-14

URL: eol-uchile/eol-dialogs-xblock

License: AGPLv3

Categories: Advanced learning tools

Group Project v2 XBlock#

This tool implements a group project, where a group of students work together on a task, which is then graded.

Group Project v2 XBlock

Vendor: OpenCraft

Status: Active

Last Commit: 2023-01-06

URL: open-craft/xblock-group-project-v2

License: AGPLv3

Categories: Advanced learning tools

Jupyter Notebook Viewer#

LimeSurvey XBlock allows a better integration between the Open edX platform and the Open source LimeSurvey service.

Vendor: eduNEXT

Status: Active

Last Commit: 2019-03-12

URL: eduNEXT/jupyter-viewer-xblock

License: AGPLv3

Categories: Advanced learning tools

MindMap XBlock#

Mind Map XBlock is a pluggable extension to the Open edX platform that allows course creators to build a learning experience in which students can visualize and easily edit Mind Maps within a course unit.

MindMap XBlock

Vendor: eduNEXT

Status: Active

Last Commit: 2024-05-22

URL: eduNEXT/xblock-mindmap

License: AGPLv3

Categories: Advanced learning tools

Problem Builder XBlock#

This repository provides two XBlocks: Problem Builder and Step Builder. Both blocks allow to create questions of various types. They can be used to simulate the workflow of real-life mentoring, within an edX course.

Problem Builder XBlock

Vendor: Open Craft

Status: Active

Last Commit: 2024-09-16

URL: open-craft/problem-builder

License: AGPLv3

Categories: Advanced learning tools

Scorm XBlock#

This is an XBlock to display SCORM content within the Open edX LMS and Studio. It will save student state and report scores to the progress tab of the course. Currently supports SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004 standard.

Scorm XBlock

Vendor: Open edX

Status: Active

Last Commit: 2024-09-18

URL: overhangio/openedx-scorm-xblock

License: AGPLv3

Categories: Advanced learning tools